- INTERACTION 1 PHASE 1 Baby and father
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Link to multiliteracies website: Cope and KalantzisURL This link takes to you a very extensive set of resources developed by multiliteracies researchers, Cope and Kalantzis. This is beyond the core reading expected for this module. Core concepts of multimodality relevant to early language development are cited in Thwaite 2019.
Kalantzis, M., Cope, B., Chan, E. & Dalley-Trim, L. (2016). Literacies. (2nd ed.). Melbourne: Cambridge. Otto, B. (2018). Language development in early childhood. New York, NY: Pearson.
[NB. if this link does not work you will need to go via the EDEN100 Reading List in the Unit Information and Resources LEO tile]
Chapter 2: Theoretical perspectives and contexts of language development. Thwaite, A. (2019). Halliday ’s view of child language learning: Has it been misinterpreted? Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 44(5), 42-56. Read pp. 42-46: Introduction, Halliday's Theory, and Phases 1 & 2
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