You are to create a single program that collects 5 words
from the user and prints them out in various ways. Store them so you can access them throughout
this program. There are 4 parts to this
program - make sure you are commenting your code with descriptions of each
section of code and Write my name in Each Part. Also place in PDF Format.
Part 1: Ordering
Lexicographic order is dictionary order, except that all the
uppercase letters precede all the lowercase letters. For example
b comes before c, but b comes after Y.
Java uses methods to determine which words come first Lexicographically.
Print the 5 words out in Lexicographic order.
Part 2: Pig Latin
Pig Latin is a language used by kids and annoying
adults. Here are the rules for
converting an English word into Pig Latin.
If the word begins with a consonant, move the consonant to the end of
the word and add “ay” after it. If the
word begins with a vowel, add “yay” to the end of the word.
English |
Pig Latin |
dog |
ogday |
Apple |
Appleyay |
easy |
easyyay |
Cattle |
attleCay |
Print out the first and second words from Part 1 in Pig
Part 3: Reversing letters
Print the 2nd and 3rd words from Part 1 again but switch the
first letter with the last letter. For
example, the word computer would become romputec.
Part 4: Mixing up Words
Take the 4th and the 5th words from part 1 and print out
both of their celebrity couple names.
Celebrity couples are made from taking half of the first name and
combining it with the other half of the other name. The first half of the first name combines
with the second half of the second name and the first half of the second name
combines with the second half of the first name. Odd length names can be handled any way you
wish, but all letters of both original words must be used between the two new
For example - Joey and Amanda would become Jonda and Amaey
An example run of this program with the words given as
Camel Elephant
Alligator Bison Dog
Part 1: Alligator
Bison Camel Dog
Part 2: Alligatoryay
Part 3: nisoB
Part 4: Dhant Elepog
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