Organizational Restructuring: a Literature Review




To provide students with an opportunity to use some or all of the information taught in this

workshop relating to proper APA formatting in Microsoft Word™.


In this exercise, the student will format a Microsoft Word™ document to APA

Formatting includes:

1. Setting page margins, indentations, headings, page numbers, typeset and font for

adherence to APA writing style guidelines

2. Formatting a title page, an abstract, the paper’s body, and the reference page for

adherence to APA writing style guidelines

3. Proofing the paper for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors in accordance

with APA writing style guidelines

4. Editing quotations, references, and citations for adherence to APA writing style


The next few pages contain an unformatted paper for the students to properly format in

accordance with APA writing style guidelines.

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