Pick one of the 12 topics covered this semester and write a narrative paper as follows: Paragraph 1 provides an overview of your chosen topic. Then, in the following 11 paragraphs, discuss your topic’s relationship with each of those other topics (one paragraph per topic). Your entire response will be 12 paragraphs long - No more / No less. ( APA style) Be sure to identify the main topic you chose in the title of your response, and then identify each of the 11 topics as the heading for its individual paragraph. Double-space your work; use 12 pt. Arial font; and set up margins of 1.25” on the left and 1” on the other 3 sides, and do not right justify your paragraphs. (These settings are what will be required for your Capstone, too.) Proofread Proofread Proofread and follow all instructions explicitly. (50 points) Requirement 2 Write a one paragraph review for each of the 13 chapters in The Art of War relating that chapter to one or more of the 12 IT Strategies covered this semester. You will have a total of 13 paragraphs. Label each paragraph with the book’s chapter number and title, and identify each IT Strategy you use in Bold Red font within the paragraph. Be specific in your responses. Provide examples. If you use any resources other than the Sun Tzu book, include as both in-text citations and include them in the Reference List using APA format. If you only use the Sun Tzu book, it only needs to be cited in the Reference List at the end – not in-text. Use the same page set-up requirements as identified in the previous question. (50 points)
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