The final project for this course is the creation of a memorandum with appendix (7–10 pages). As an associate working in a privately held enterprise or working with privately held clients, it is imperative to be able to advise clients on the tax implicati



The final project for this course is the creation of a memorandum with appendix (7–10 pages). As an associate working in a privately held enterprise or working with privately held clients, it is imperative to be able to advise clients on the tax implications of their financial investments. The ability to model the tax consequences of transactions and do cost benefit analysis is crucial. For your final project, you will model the role of an associate working in a private consulting firm. You will demonstrate your ability to advise clients on whether they should operate as a sole proprietor, a partnership, an S corporation, or a C corporation. Additionally, using your tax research skills and understanding of federal income taxation, you will have the opportunity to evaluate tax consequences from sales and distributions for their compliance with the Internal Revenue Code and Treasury regulations.

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