This part must involve development of some computer programme(s) or script(s) in a crossplatform programming language or system of your choice

computer science


This part must involve development of some computer programme(s) or script(s) in a crossplatform programming language or system of your choice. Here, a cross-platform programming language or system is one allowing the marker to run your code / executable(s) from all three mainstream operating systems (Windows, Mac OS, and Linux) without making any modifications to your code or executable(s). Python, Java, PHP, Perl, MATLAB, and JavaScript in a client-side HTML page that can run without a web server are good examples. Use an interpreted programming language as much as possible, unless your chosen advanced exercise requires the use of a compiled language like C or C++. When possible, consider using a free online compiler or runtime environment that can be used without the marker registering an account1 to test the executability of your code and include information about the online compiler / runtime environment you used for the marker to verify your code. 

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