In your Living Will, you are to convey your wishes about prolonging life or not. Comment on your personal, conceptual, or moral perspective on this issue.State your decisions regarding DNR, life support, and tube feeding.
Students usually find the study of End of Life issues fascinating. To further your interest, you have an opportunity to explore a topic of your choice related to the course and write a research paper reflecting what you have learned and wish to convey. Be sure to "narrow" the scope/focusof the paper. A "broad overview" of a topic will lose points. In the introduction of your paper, let the reader know the purpose; why it is of interest.
You are to read research articles from scholarly journals such as The Association for Death Education and Counseling, The American Psychological Association, The American Society on Aging, and various nursing and medical journals. Include results of studies published on the issue/topic of the paper such as how many participants, how done, and what was found, learned from the study. Be sure to make the paper flow rather than be a collection of bits and pieces. Summarize your paper well so that it pulls together the information that is enlightening to the reader.
Papers are to be written using the current APA Publication Manual and must be six to seven pages double spaced plus a cover page and list of references page.
Papers must include eight relevant resources/Journal articles, appropriately cited and referenced.
Your paper is to be submitted in your Assignment Folder no later than 2/19.
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