What type of culture do you find most desirable as a potential employee?



Written Response #1 Questions on Chapter 2 ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Discussion Questions 1, 2, 5, and 6 on pages 55-56, restated below.  Read the Case Study on “The Deepwater Horizon Explosion” on pages 44- 45 and answer questions 1, 2, and 3, restated below; Exercise: Role of Corporate Culture at Zappos and answer questions 1, 2, and 3 on page 59, restated below.  Estimated total length 3-4 pages.

Written responses must be typed, size 12 font, double spaced and written in proper English in complete sentences. For each question, answer approximately 4-5 sentences (one paragraph), sufficiently to demonstrate thought and understanding. 

Grading criteria: total possible points 20 (score represents 5% of total grade in the course)

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS   (6 points in total; points per question as indicated)

1)  What type of culture do you find most desirable as a potential employee? What HRM clues 

can you identify that might let you know the degree to which a prospective employer has this 

culture? (2 points)

2) How can HRM support a performance culture? How could HRM undermine a performance 

culture? (2 points)

5) What type of business strategy do you think is most compatible with a high performance work 

system? Why? (1 point)

6) What type of business strategy do you think would be a poor fit with a high-performance work system?   Why? (1 point)

CASE STUDY:  The Deepwater Horizon Explosion”, pages 44-45 and answer questions 1, 2, 

and 3 (8 points in total; points per question as indicated) 

Case question 1: What are some of the core ethical and social responsibility issues presented by BP’s behavior? (3 points)

Case question 2:  If you were an employee of BP, would you have spoken up about the safety issues? Why or why not? (2 points)

Case question 3:  How can HRM improve the ethical and social responsibility at BP? (3 points)

EXERCISE: Role of Corporate Culture at Zappos:  View two videos “Life at Zappos” (1:37) and “Zappos: Where Company Culture is #1 (3:29), available on YouTube to learn about online shoe retailer Zappos’ corporate culture and how its CEO views the role of culture at the company. Applying what you learn from viewing these videos and using information provided in the videos, answer questions 1, 2, and 3 on page 59. (6 points; points per question as indicated)

1) Why does Zappos’ CEO tony Hsieh feel that culture is so important to Zappos?  (2 points)

2) How does Zappos reinforce its culture through HRM? (3 points)

3) Is Zappos’ culture one in which you would enjoy working? Why or why not? (1 point)


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