Analyze and evaluate organizational design of your company/organization in which you work and determine its conveniences for the current management issues.



Self-Assessment Questions-1

  1. Analyze and evaluate organizational design of your company/organization in which you work and determine its conveniences for the current management issues.
  2. Examine different management models and propose how they affect management practice and recommend management models which you think are relevant for your organization.
  3. Evaluate a given model of leadership and/or management for its usefulness in guiding effective decision making
  4. Explain why the choice of technology is such an important strategic decision for an organization (mention its contribution in increasing productivity, efficiency, profitability, quality decision, managing corporate undertaking, service quality)
  5. Provide examples demonstrating how ensuring sustainability work practices contributes to sustainability in business and growth.



Self-Assessment Questions -2


  1. Provide a note on various management thoughts and approaches which are mainly applicable or appropriate in present context.
  2. Critically examine and explain how political; social; economic; and technological forces contributed to evolved  lessons in management thoughts.
  3. Weber’s ideal bureaucracy suggested strict adherence to rules and regulations, this lead to redtapism in the organization. Discuss how strict adherence to rules and regulations causes poor work environment.
  4. Classical theory viewed organization as closed system in which environmental dynamics and their effect on management have been discounted. Provide your professional critics on this view and justify why it is relevant or irrelevant in the contemporary world. 
  5. Why is it important for every manager to understand the many different management theories that have been develop? Describe various School of Thoughts prevalent from time to time. Which school of management thoughts makes the most sense to you? Why? 

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