CS240 Spring
2020 Project
DUE: Midnight May 17, 2020
4 Bit Controlled Comparator
Create a circuit in Logisim that will take the following inputs:
A :
4 bit binary number
B :
4 bit binary number
C :
Control where:
if C = 0, A and B will be treated as unsigned binary
if C = 1, A and B will be treated as 2’s complement
signed binary
(for example, the number 101
represents the value ‘5’ if it is
treated as unsigned binary, but it represents the value ‘-3’ if it is treated as 2’s complement.)
The circuit will compare
the two numbers and send a ‘1’ to the corresponding output:
< : if A is less than B
= :
if A is equal to B
> : if A is greater than B
Your circuit
will look something like this:
1. The circuit is to be implemented
using sub-circuits as discussed in class.
2. HINT:
Your final circuit should contain an UNSIGNED COMPARATOR. You will then need to make modifications to
the outputs of the UNSIGNED COMPARATOR to make it work with signed numbers.
3. You may only use the basic
gates: NOT, AND, OR, XOR. You may use these gates to build larger
sub-circuits of your own: ADDER,
MULTIPLEXER, etc. and incorporate these
into your main circuit.
4. You are not allowed to use Logisim’s built-in
circuits: ADDER, MULTIPLEXER, etc., but
you are free to build your own using the basic gates.
5. This is NOT a team project.
Each student is expected to do his/her own work.
finished project should be a single Logisim CIRC file. ZIP up this file and name it: CS240_Lastname_Firstname.ZIP.
(i.e. if your name is John Smith, the file name will be
CS240_Smith_John.ZIP). Upload this file
to class’s Blackboard site. Failure to
follow these simple instructions will result in a deduction of 5 points.
Once you
have uploaded your project, I highly recommend that you download and test it
from another PC to make sure it works.
There have been instances in the past where a student uploaded files
that did not work. If it doesn’t work, I
can’t grade it…
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