For years, parents and teachers thought homework was the only necessary tool that helps them in educating their children. On the contrary, students have complained about the practice of assigning homework. Besides, how much homework students should get done has been a source of debate among educators and parents. In the past few years, some countries have implemented no-homework policies as students shuffle music, sports, and other extra circular activities after school. So what do you think, why should students have homework, and what’s the need for doing it?
Being an expert, I have spoken to too many students throughout the world. Some take homework as a burden or believe the time could be better invested in other activities. Conversely, others feel it should be necessary as it helps improve their learning process and is part of the school.
Should students have homework? Let’s consider the expert’s opinions and the arguments on both sides to decide for ourselves.
Why should students have homework?
Table of Contents
Well, this question – (why should students have homework) has two sides. So let’s find out if it is Homework Good or Bad For Students and consider both the positive and the negative sides of the coin to conclude.
01. Homework gives more time for learning.
Learning takes time, and homework provides that time. However, students sometimes need more time in school to understand the most important ideas. Also, homework can compensate for this lack of time and help students in the long run, even if they can’t see it at the time.
02. Homework Involves Parents
Under ideal conditions, homework might encourage parents to participate in their children’s education actively. When a parent helps their child with homework, it shows that the parent wants the child to do well in school and lets the parent know what the child is doing in school. Moreover, it can also be a way to get to know each other better.
03. Homework is a good way to practice.
One of the good things about homework is that it helps kids get into the habit of practicing. Even if it takes a long time and is boring compared to other things, you still need to do it repeatedly to get better at something. Also, homework helps students understand things better and gives them more options when they start their careers.
04. Homework Inspires Time Management
Homework is more than just doing the work activities that were given. Moreover, homework can help students learn how to manage their time by requiring them to plan their days and make sure they finish all of their work on time. By learning to manage their time, students also improve at solving problems and thinking for themselves. One good thing about homework is that it forces individuals to choose and find a fair solution.
05. Having homework means less time in front of a screen.
Many North American college students spend much too much time in front of the TV. If they weren’t in school, these numbers would likely be even higher. Even though most kids don’t want homework, it still helps them learn how to study better and keeps them from watching too much TV.
Homework can be considered an extracurricular activity, and many families already spend a lot of time and money on clubs and lessons for their kids to keep them busy when school is over. Homework can also be worked into a schedule, just like other extracurricular activities.
06. A connection is formed through homework.
Homework allows the student, the teacher, the school, and the parents to stay in touch. Therefore, it lets everyone learn more about each other, and parents can see where their kids are having trouble. Similarly, parents can see where their kids are doing well. In effect, homework can help the student get a better, more focused educational plan.
8 Benefits of Homework
#1. The purpose of homework is to educate pupils on how to determine priorities.
#2. Students learn valuable problem-solving skills via homework.
#3. Students may use their homework as a chance to refresh their memory on topics covered in class.
#4. Students learn to take responsibility for their part in the learning process through homework.
#5. Homework teaches students that they might have to do things even if they don’t want to.
#6. Students learn responsibility and self-reliance by doing homework.
#7. Homework teaches students how important it is to plan, stay organized, and take action.
#8. Homework lets teachers see how well their students understand what they’ve learned in class.
The Negative Side of should students have homework!
01. There needs to be evidence that homework helps students learn.
Countless studies have shown that homework makes children dislike school, and they haven’t found any evidence that homework helps kids do better.
Therefore, there needs to be more proof that homework is beneficial to students. Some students may get better at certain subjects because of their homework, but if they get help from someone else, there is no real proof that homework makes them better.
Also, it can be hard to ensure students do their homework, and even if they don’t, they can still get good grades. More time in school doesn’t always mean better grades because quality is always more important than quantity.
Hereafter, when it comes to homework, accurate practice is just not reliable. Also, if students and their parents need help understanding homework, it could have the opposite effect. Moreover, this is one of the main reasons why homework is a bad idea. Many students would rather cheat in class than do their homework at home, and kids often copy what they hear or read on the internet or from each other.
02. Homework promotes an unhealthy lifestyle.
Should students get homework? Well, How you look at it makes a difference. However, there are arguments for the pros and cons of giving kids homework.
Playground time is just as important as time in the classroom. Moreover, if kids have enough homework, they will have enough time to play, which can help their learning and social skills. Studies have shown that kids who play more get better grades because it helps them pay attention in class.
Children already spend a lot of time sitting in school, and homework only adds to this. Being too lazy can be bad for your health and lead to problems like obesity. Thus, homework takes up time that could be used to play sports or do something else active.
03. Homework isn’t good for every home.
While many may believe that the home is the best place for a child to learn, the reality is that not all houses are safe, and parents may not put in much effort to ensure their kids are learning properly. Some parents don’t offer any support or help with homework, and even if they would like to, they sometimes can’t because of their problems. One bad thing about homework is that it can cause arguments between kids and their parents.
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Best 10 Reasons Why Is Homework Bad?
04. Doing homework is like having another job.
Students already have full-time jobs because they spend over 6 hours a day in school. Also, students often do sports, music, and art outside of school, which is just as important as their regular classes. Adding more hours to these responsibilities is a lot for kids to handle, and it keeps them from having extra time to do creative things independently. Also, homework makes it hard to learn about yourself and learn new skills outside of school. Thus, this is one of the worst things about homework.
05. There Is Too Much Emphasis Placed On Homework
Most people agree that each grade level shouldn’t get more than 10 minutes daily. Therefore, this means that a first grader shouldn’t have more than 10 minutes of homework, a second grader shouldn’t have more than 20 minutes, and so on. But many students get a lot more homework than what is recommended.
College students spend up to three hours a night on homework, on average. If you give too much homework, it can add to your stress and make you tired. Additionally, this has the opposite effect on how well you do in school.
How much homework are kids supposed to do?
A “rule of thumb” that many schools follow says that each grade level should have 10 minutes of homework. So, first graders should only have work to do at home for 10 minutes, while high schoolers should spend up to two hours each night studying.
Even with these well-known rules, a study by researchers at Brown University, Brandeis University, Rhode Island College, Dean College, the Children’s National Medical Center, and the New England Center for Pediatric Psychology found that younger children were still getting two or three times the recommended amount of homework. Every night, kids in first and second grade did about 30 minutes of homework.
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Is there any evidence that having students do homework improves their thinking abilities?
The study aimed to determine what people thought about the link between homework and doing well in school. However, the results showed a general link between doing homework and doing well in school. Cooper said, “No strong evidence was found of a link between homework and achievement in terms of either the outcome measure (grades instead of standardized tests) or the subject matter (reading instead of math).”
A study done in 2012 on more than 18,000 10th graders found that too much material and insufficient time to teach it in the classroom could make students have more homework. In a statement from the University, the lead researcher said, “The overflow often leads to more homework.” “But giving these students more time to work on things that are hard to understand or need to be explained by a teacher won’t help them learn and may confuse them.”
Even in that case, though, the research came up with a few different answers that are hard to put together. Even though the study found a link between the amount of time spent on homework and test scores, students who did their homework didn’t usually get better grades than those who didn’t.
Can homework affect kids?
It seems counterintuitive, but some research shows that homework can hurt students’ grades and, in some cases, their health.
When economic inequality is added to the mix, the outlook for homework gets even worse. Research shows that more homework can make the achievement gap between low-income and well-off students. This is because well-off students are more likely to have a safe place to do their homework at night and parents who have the time and academic knowledge to push them to do it.
Literature that supports homework often says that it gives parents a chance to help with their child’s education and keep an eye on how well their child is learning. Opponents, on the other hand, say that parental involvement can hurt success. A survey from 2014 showed that help from parents who have forgotten the material or never really understood it can hurt a student’s ability to learn.
Conclusion (should students have homework)
So should students have homework? This whole blog evolves around the conclusion of this question. From my point of view, both the pros and cons of homework are true, and the question “Should students have homework?” doesn’t seem to have a simple answer. Parents and teachers often disagree, leaving the student in the middle without much say.
It’s important to know both the pros and cons of homework and talk about both sides to find a middle ground. Everyone wants the student to do well at the end of the day.
FAQs (should students have homework)
So, Should Students Have Homework?
Should you ban homework in your class? If you teach younger kids. Not if you teach middle school or high school. But all teachers should give careful thought to how they handle homework. You can help your students learn more if you limit the amount of homework they have and make the assignments better.
How can teachers help students with homework?
To help students find the right balance and do well, teachers and educators need to start talking about homework at school and with the student’s parents. But for teachers to successfully speak up for students, they need to know a lot about the subject, including the research and the results that can be reached by getting rid of or reducing the amount of homework.