ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY Choose an agency that specializes in one of the disorders discussed throughout the semester. Then design questions to determine the type of services provided at the agency. You will complete a 1-page essay on your findings.



ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY Choose an agency that specializes in one of the disorders discussed throughout the semester. Then design questions to determine the type of services provided at the agency. You will complete a 1-page essay on your findings. Important Information to Consider: Define the mental illness and discuss the symptoms. What is the eligibility process for a client? What are the types of treatment used by the agency? What are the qualifications or credentials of the staff members? What is the referral process? Discuss the length of treatment. Does the agency tend to use a specific orientation or approach to treatment? What is the success rate of the services? What is the level of severity of the individuals receiving services? What is the age range and demographics of the individuals who receive services?

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