Alzheimer's Disease Research Paper...
Please conduct a review of the epidemiological data and scholarly literature regarding your chosen topic; at least10 reliable sources, including at least 6 academic/peer-reviewed journal articles. Your overall goal is to analyze and synthesize information about your topic with an emphasis on health disparities, health equality and a life course (or lifespan) perspective, including information about prevalence, risk, and protective factors. Also, you are required to review and critique at least one existing public health program and/or policy
across the life course. At least 5 key dimensions of the topic area that is being considered. For example Prevalence of issue, risk and protective factors, health disparities, health equity, and public health program(s) (or policy). A conclusion section that ties together the key themes and discusses practice/policy implications and your recommendations. Each dimension explored (or each section of the paper) should include at least 3 different references in order to demonstrate integration and synthesis of ideas. Your paper should be 10-15 pages in length (12-point font, double-spaced, APA formatting), in addition to a cover page and bibliography. The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University (OWL)has an online guide that explains proper APA citation for all sources. It also offers some helpful information about how to write a research paper. Link to the OWL:https://owl.english.
- Attached are more detailed instruction, grading rubric, sources*
- Please use the 10 sources I have provided and add more if necessary.*
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