Discuss the motive of hunger. More specifically, answer the following. First, using a drive-reduction theory, and identifying relevant neural components and hormones, describe the physiological processes underlying hunger and satiation.



Discuss the motive of hunger. More specifically, answer the following. First, using a drive-reduction theory, and identifying relevant neural components and hormones, describe the physiological processes underlying hunger and satiation. Second, using evolutionary principles, explain why there is what many are calling a worldwide obesity epidemic. Third, describe several social/environmental factors that may be contributing to this epidemic. Finally, fourth, discuss concrete steps (with accompanying examples) you might take to change your lifestyle so as attain/maintain a healthy BMI. This question (as with all questions) is to be answered in a maximum of two pages (though shoot for as close to one page as possible), double-spaced, using 12 point, and Arial font.

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