Display the first five earliest entertainments and all parties involved in the entertainments.

computer science


Writing query statements.

First Download termFall2019.SQL and run it in you MySQL Workbench, then answer the following questions by writing proper queries.  Put comments in SQL that shows which section is answer to which question.

3.1. Display customers from Tacoma, WA.

3.2. Display number of years that each agent is working for the company.

3.3. Display entertainers that don’t have website. 

3.4. Display entertainers and customers who live in the same zip code.

3.5. Display customers that prefer ‘Country’ music.

3.6. Display customers and agents that their first name has at least four characters.

3.7. Display music styles that no customer prefer them.

3.8. Display agents who book 'Susan McLain' as entertainer. 

3.9. Display the first five earliest entertainments and all parties involved in the entertainments. 

3.10. Display entertainers who served any customer in Redmond, WA or Auburn, WA. 

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