Explain the difference between internal and external customers. What might be some of the dangers of relying solely on customer input when designing or improving a product or service? What other inputs should be taken into account?



Explain the difference between internal and external customers. What might be some of the dangers of relying solely on customer input when designing or improving a product or service? What should other inputs be taken into account? Compare and contrast Deming’s, Juran’s, and Crosby’s philosophies about quality. What is the difference between quality control and quality assurance? Discuss the differences between a dimension and a metric. How are they related? How do they differ? Why is it important to assign weights to dimensions? What do the weights indicate? How does a weighted dimension score differ from a raw dimension score? What is the difference between the validity and reliability of a survey questionnaire? How might an affinity diagram assist in the content analysis? Would "excellent product quality" be a strength for your firm if it was equivalent to the quality of competing products in the same market? Why or why not?

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