Health care system
Introduction: In today society, public perception of the U.S. health care system is
widespread. Many people are satisfied with the advancements that we have made in the medical
community. Less than one hundred years ago, health care was non-existent. Today, it is one of
the leading industries in our country and worldwide. However, many people criticize where
health care is going. They believe that doctors are giving up quality care and replacing it with the
quantity served. This paper will describe the changes that have occurred and are occurring in the
US health care system. Beginning with the health care environment, we will see that although we
are downsizing some subdivisions, at the same time we are increasing access to health care by
providing a variety of different services. Next, the rapid increase in medical insurance since the
mid-1900s will be discussed. Medicare and Medicaid were created under the Social Security Act.
Since then, medical care to elderly and to the poor in our community has improved drastically.
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