Of the six disciplines sociology anthropology psychology gerontology political science economics



Your answers must include sufficient detail. Please note that very short answers consisting of a few sentences will not be given credit.  Of the six disciplines (sociology, anthropology, psychology, gerontology, political science, economics) we discussed in this course choose 3 disciplines and describe 5 ways in which those selected disciplines relate to one another. Of the six disciplines, we explored in this course, which discipline appeals to you the most? Why? Which appeals to you the least? Why? (Need some detail here. Specifically, avoid providing very short answers). What are the advantages of using more than one disciplinary perspective to understand and resolve important social issues? Select one current social issue as an example and show briefly how that particular issue can be examined from two disciplinary perspectives. Describe in your own words what you understand by the term “business cycle.” (Need some detail here. Specifically, avoid providing very short answers).

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