One of the important external trends we need to track involves changes in governance (politics)



TEDTalk - The Next Age of Government

One of the important external trends we need to track involves changes in governance (politics). David Cameron, the former United Kingdom Prime Minister, suggests that we are entering a new era where governments have less power and money, and technology is helping empower people in new ways. He goes on to suggest that there is an opportunity to remake public service, especially in giving people more power in government. He refers to this as the "post bureaucratic age".

Listen to Cameron's presentation

 (Links to an external site.)

. If desired, a transcript


 is available.

TEDTalk - The Next Age of Government Discussion

USFCA Discussion Icon

After listening to Cameron’s presentation(link attached above), develop a formal post using the following questions: What do you think? Does Cameron’s post-bureaucratic model make sense? Has this contention been supported by your learning in the MPA program? Are there examples you can share and what challenges do you envision in moving in this new direction?

In addition to your formal post, please be sure to react to the points of at least two colleagues.(attached)

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