Requirements include producing a 4-paragraph essay on either The Antiquary or Macbeth. As we've discussed the best papers are the ones with specific and detailed analyses of passages. We don't want broad strokes--we want the astute writer who knows a text intimately to provide a specific analysis of the book using his/her close reading skills. Topic sentence Transaction content Description and evidences Analysis Conclusion For example: 37ff(line), .25ff(line), .60ff(line), Act5. sc.5 .20ff, Act 8. 22ff I need evidence like these. (no including these part) I request Macbeth essay include producing a 4-paragraph essay and need a passage and exactly page in the equation in this book. Here is online website e-book. MACBETH By William Shakespeare Edited by Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. Please consult the syllabus for formatting guidelines.
Microsoft Word - Eng250 Syl SP16.docx Formatting: All of your papers must be typed. Please use 12-point Times New Roman font; double- space all lines; insert 1” margins at the top, bottom, left and right margins; include page numbers and staple your pages together. Create an original title for your papers and provide the following information in the top, left corner (your name, date, Professor Van Renen, class information). Please make your citations according to the guidelines of the Modern Language Association (MLA). You will find these in the MLA Style Manual (or here: or here: Purdue OWL MLA site).
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