The airline of your choice already provides transportation with great customer service. Your job is to create an effective marketing strategy to take your airline into the future. The board of directors needs your concise but well thought-out-marketing st



The airline of your choice already provides transportation with great customer service. Your job is to create an effective marketing strategy to take your airline into the future. The board of directors needs your concise but well thought-out-marketing strategy. Use the concepts from Chapter 17. Specifically, address the 4 P's of marketing in your strategy and answer the following questions as they pertain to your unique idea: What is the unique marketing idea/product you are suggesting? What is the target market or audience for this product? What are some ideas to help sell this product? What would you do different from the other airlines? Please make sure you complete at least four paragraphs in answering these questions. Your grade will be based on the accuracy, completeness and amount of research. Use your own words and Do your own work. Please identify the sources you quote from and list sources used in your research.

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