The United States has the most rapidly suicidal case. This country has the most suicidal cases among the other wealthy countries, which has become a health issue shortly.




The United States has the most rapidly suicidal case. This country has the most suicidal cases among the other wealthy countries, which has become a health issue shortly. To prevent suicidal instances, we must work with mental health issues. By the world record, suicide is the fourteenth leading cause of death for the females. From which we can say that women suffer much and more suicidal than men.

Suicidal and other mental based problems are increasing rapidly. The suicidal people often asked for bits of help from others; by helping them, a lot of people can live their life happily. To reduce such suicidal rates, The reason behind the problem may remain still unknown. With the rapid case of suicide, it becomes a vital concern to think about the mental based problem and go forward with a suitable solution. Mental issues are preventable under certain circumstances. To broadcast any meatal health issue or work with the topic, we must find the relationship between the factors. By defining them, we can solve the problem.


The main objective of our study is to relate to the mental health issue or gender-wise. The other purposes of our research are:

·         The relation between working people with a mental issue

·         Self-employed are more effected than working people?

·         Relations between age with mental issues

Population Studies

The main concern of our study is to find the relationship between mental issue problem with other factors. The identification of the root of the problem can lead us to the solution to the problem. For the study purpose, we take a sample population from the United stated.

Sampling Design

The samples been taking with the help of a questionnaire. Questionnaires have made, so the essential data collected from the population. The collections considered carefully, so the collected data gives more accurate results as the population. The sampling has been taken from the community randomly. 

Sampling Frame

The sampling frame of the study is

Take a population from any place of The United Kingdom

Make a questionnaire

Run a survey

Collect data

Collect all the information

Select sample

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