This document describes the semester project in ECE 501b worth ten percent of your grade. Obviously, this project must be original and not a resubmission or a reworked version of another project.



This document describes the semester project in ECE 501b worth ten percent of your grade. Obviously, this project must be original and not a resubmission or a reworked version of another project. The project must also represent your own work. The project may be an individual project or a team based project. The details of the project are outlined below. The project consists of three different phases, with each phase containing a deliverable. Phase One: Phase one consists of reading, studying, and understanding a paper, article, or text. Possible sources and topics are listed on D2L, or you may pick up interested topics by yourself. Before spending too much time on a project, each student or team should submit to Dr. Cao a brief description (Phase One Deliverable – by Nov. 15) of the particular topic being studied for the project, along with the source(s) for the topic, and a tentative goal for the project. Phase Two: Phase two consists of a project report (Phase Two Deliverable – by Dec. 6). Refer to the subsequent material for more information on the style and structure of the project report. Phase Three: Phase three consists of a brief paragraph (Phase Three Deliverable – by Dec. 11) reflecting on what you learned, as a result of completing the project. If the project is a team project, then please provide a brief description of the division of work and effort among the different team members. Report Structure (Suggested): The report, which should be limited to 10 pages of written text (double-spaced, 12-point font) (excluding figures), should document your work. A possible structure for the report would be the following. I. Introduction: What is the main point, theme, or hypothesis of the material (paper, article, or text) that was selected for your project? Why is this topic important, in general and to you? You should also include a brief description of why you selected this particular material for your semester project. II. Background: How does the selected material for your project relate to central themes from ECE 501b? Are there particular techniques or is there theory from ECE 501b that is used in the selected material? What topics from ECE 501b helped you better understand the material and ideas in your project? Include references of all sources in the Reference section at the end of your report. III. Results: (Data, Analysis, Design, etc.) Using the $25,000,000,000 Eigenvector paper as a guide, develop some exercises, questions, analysis, or examples that were inspired or motivated by your project. For example, what assumptions were made in your project material? What if certain assumptions are neglected or do not exist? Can you provide analysis that supplements the analysis in the selected project material? Or, can you provide analysis that extends the analysis in the project material? You might also develop numerical examples that help to provide insight into the ideas discussed in the selected material or that demonstrate the application of the theory in your project. 

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