This session reinforces the theory of the solar system, which has been presented in lectures.



Design and Modeling of a Solar PV System 


This session reinforces the theory of the solar system, which has been presented in lectures. Specifically, the coursework provides the opportunity to collect the data about consumed electricity and sun irradiation at the selected site. A secondary is to gain experience of selecting all components in the solar system including the type and layout of PV panels, charge controller, inverter, and battery for the storage system.


1. Collect the data about the required annual electricity for the present accommodation. (2%) 

2. Analyse the site information such as location, altitude, and roof angle, roof area, etc.) (2%) 

3. Collect radiation data in the site (2%) 

4. Select a suitable type of the solar panels and design a PV panel layout (2%) 

5. Select the type of the solar panel and design PV layout (1 %) 

6. Select a suitable charge controller, inverter (1 %) 

7. Select a battery to store the collected solar energy (2%) 

8. Calculate the payback period considering no inflation rate (2%) 

9. Model the panel in the Matlab using subsystems (6%

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