Topic: Global Sourcing and it's impact on US economy (focus on the negatives and positives) Question: What impact will global sourcing have on the US economy? If writing is not a strength, please do not attempt the question. A paper that doesn't make sense and has grammatical errors will be denied. Paper submitted through Strict APA grading References within the last 5 years. Each student will prepare a research paper discussing, in depth, a subject related to one of the topics covered in the course. The paper should be from 2,500 to 3,750 words in length (10-15 pages) and contain a separate title or cover page and separate pages for the list of reference sources.
The paper is expected to be authoritative, and based on at least 15 high-quality sources (i.e., no Wikipedia citations allowed). Use the UMUC library to find relevant journal articles for your report. The majority of reference sources should be from recent publications no older than five years. Follow the APA format (6th ed.) for the paper and for all citations, figures, tables, and the list of references. You may include in your paper the articles used for the Current Event Reviews, as well as any other reference sources encountered during the course. The report should exhibit graduate-level writing, in terms of grammar, punctuation, format, quality of analysis, coherence, insight, logical flow, and reasoning. The paper is NOT an essay or opinion piece, it is to be a research report based fully on facts and data derived from appropriate sources in the literature.
Provide a reference citation for EVERY statement of fact you include in your paper. Do NOT string together direct quotes from reference sources to create a narrative in the report. Write in your own words and include quote marks for ALL material copied from other sources.Avoid including quotes in the paper. More than three unique quotes would be too many! Write in your own words. State a formal research question, as a true question, in the abstract, introduction, and conclusion of the paper.
Answer the research question in the abstract and conclusion and the body of the paper. RESEARCH PAPER Assignment Criteria: Write a review of the literature that describes the findings of other researchers related to a specific topic. he objective of the research paper is to enable you to conduct independent academic research in an area directly related to the course subject matter. Your efforts will generate a high-quality written report summarizing the results of your research into the current scholarly and relevant trade literature related to your chosen topic. Title page and Abstract of the paper (Style according to the rules of the APA format.) Final paper (Containing 10-15 pages, double spaced, 12 point font, one inch margins on all sides) References - List of every reference source cited in the paper (and only cited sources), entered in correct APA format. At least 15 sources should be listed and cited within the report.
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