Training and development is a huge field within the HRM rubric. The value of training is certainly recognized by U.S. organizations; for example, we spend in excess of $50 billion a year on training and development.



Module 6: Introduction and Readings



In Module 3 we explored ways to bring new employees on board. No matter how talented and qualified employees are, there will always be some need for training, e.g., starting with the on-boarding (or new employee orientation) process. As employees grow with the organization, there are inevitable needs connected with adapting to new tasks, as well as keeping abreast of new laws, procedures, or knowledge pertinent to the organization and environment. In Module 4 we explained the importance of giving employees feedback on their performance, which may also include recommendations for training and development. In this module you will have an opportunity to review and evaluate a number of training delivery approaches. Since one of the themes of this module is employee development, the learning here may also be useful in finalizing your SDLP which is due in Module 7.

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Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:

  • Define training and why it is important to SHRM.
  • Describe different training delivery methods.
  • Evaluate various career development programs.

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Required Reading

  • Pynes: Ch. 9

Module 6: Training



Training and development is a huge field within the HRM rubric. The value of training is certainly recognized by U.S. organizations; for example, we spend in excess of $50 billion a year on training and development. There are strategic implications associated with training; an organization cannot achieve its mission and goals if its employees are not trained to deliver required goods and services. In the public sector, and in the 1990s, there were several commissions (e.g., Winter Commission and Gore Commission) pointing out the critical role of training in reinventing government and government improvement in general. Notwithstanding these commissions, not many resources have been put into training. The IPMA-HR Federal Section News (dated 11/03) reported that more than one-third of federal employees (39.8%) reported that they did not receive the training they needed to do their jobs. A 1995 MSPB report (Merit Systems Protection Board) found training was often underfunded and not targeted on critical needs.

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Training Discussion

Think of a training experience that you have participated in and reflect upon it based on the insights from this week's textbook readings on various training methods. How effective was the training approach (method) and what recommendations, if any, would you make to improve the training?

In addition to your formal post, please be sure to react to the posts of at least two colleagues.

Module 6: Training Discussion

3 unread replies.3 replies.

Think of a training experience that you have participated in and reflect upon it based on the insights from this week's textbook readings on various training methods. How effective was the training approach (method) and what recommendations, if any, would you make to improve the training?

In addition to your formal post, please be sure to react to the posts of at least two colleagues.

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