Answer FOUR (4) questions only from
the six questions below. ·
Each question offers a
maximum 25 possible marks ·
Marks will
be awarded for FOUR questions only ·
There is no word limit to
your answers for each section, but overall your submission should be between
2000 and 2500 words.
Remember to number your selected answers, and annotate with the appropriate sub-heading (eg Q2: Airports etc.) QUESTION 1: Airline Business 25
marks maximum a) What are the important priorities for an airline business? Your answer should include operational, commercial, regulatory and other factors that you consider pertinent b) What are the main airline business operating models? In your answer include the advantages and disadvantages of each, and give examples of airlines that perform well in each category. QUESTION 2: Airports 25
marks maximum a) What are the important characteristics in an airport best catering for business passengers, compared with airports best serving leisure passengers?. Give examples of airports which best serve each market, with reasons why they do so. b) Name three types of airport stakeholders. State their functions and priorities and how they contribute to the success of an airport. QUESTION 3: Airline Business Models 25 marks maximum a) State four key factors which distinguish Low Cost Carriers from Full Service Network Carriers. Illustrate your points with an example airline (or airlines) from each category. b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the FSNC and the LCC operating models, for the airlines themselves and for their customers ? QUESTION 4: Sustainability 25
marks maximum a) Which geographical regions of the world do you think need to have the greatest focus on sustainability over the next ten years? State your reasons. b) What are the main categories of threat to the environment in the global sustainability agenda ? c) How are airports and airlines responding to the need for a more sustainable aviation industry? QUESTION 5: Sustainability : IATA strategy 25 marks
maximum a) State the key elements of the IATA “Four pillars” carbon control strategy. b) Give examples of initiatives being implemented within each of the four pillars, by airlines, airports or aircraft manufacturers. QUESTION 6: Sustainability: Technological &
Operational Response. 25 marks maximum Define the key ways in which manufacturers and airlines have addressed the issue of sustainability via aircraft technological and operational improvements. Give examples to illustrate each of the methods you have defined. |
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