A GUI-based online education game where player is asked a question on any topic and were given 4 choices to select from.






A GUI-based online education game where player is asked a question on any topic and were given 4 choices to select from.  Each game consists of 5 questions and each question is 1 point. Player can move on to the next question after answering the current question.


Sample Gameboard

Question 4:

Which animal does not appear in the Chinese zodiac?


















The game should:

Allow player to confirm the answer.

Inform player whether the answer is correct or wrong once the answer is confirmed.

Move to the next question only when the current question is completed.

Display clearly the final score upon completion of the game.

Randomly select questions from a question database.


Your application should also provide another GUI to perform insert, update and delete of the question database.




“Wow” Factor

Beyond that, you should add something in that makes the user say “wow”. Few possible ideas are:

Add a timer for each question.

Allow player to enter player name and maintain a score board

Differentiate question in the question banks by difficulty level.

Your “Wow” factor idea shoud be in the scope of your workable capability and you must get approval from your lecturer.

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