A restaurant can experience any of the crisis situations we have covered this week.



A restaurant can experience any of the crisis situations we have covered this week. When working in an operation, the last thing you want to be is a victim of collateral damage during or after a crisis occurs because your operation and staff did not know what to do.

After reviewing the weekly materials posted and using your own research, author a self-narrated PowerPoint or video and a self-authored Crisis Management Plan.

First, in the presentation portion, discuss and provide examples that address the following:

  1. Purpose for having a Crisis Management Plan
  2. Three examples of crises that have occurred in the food and beverage industry in the past five years. What type of plan did each operation have in place for each crisis? What has happened with these companies since the crisis occurred?

Second, in the written portion, select two topics from the following areas and create and author a detailed crisis management plan for each topic.

  • Food poisoning
  • Sexual harassment accusations
  • Worker injuries or death
  • Fires
  • Power failures

Each crisis plan should include the following elements:

  • Crisis team members
  • Duties and responsibilities of each team member during and after the crisis
  • Duties and responsibilities of all employees currently working during and after the crisis
  • Duties and responsibilities of the employees not working during and after the crisis
  • Plan of recovery
  • Plan to minimize the crisis from happening again
  • Provide an MLA works cited page to document the sources you used

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