Create one dashboard that without further additional inputs from you or other documentation, explains aspects of the topic you chose in a way that would be difficult to discern from the source data. It should include



This project is designed to take 3-7 hours. This assumes that the project is done very soon after completing the workshop before the limited exposure to Tableau is forgotten

Create one dashboard that without further additional inputs from you or other documentation, explains aspects of the topic you chose in a way that would be difficult to discern from the source data. It should include

 At least two different data sets with at least one appropriate JOIN in Tableau 

o Your primary data set should have at least 100 records, and one other one should have at least 500 records. Other data sets of any size can also be used 

o Geographic or demographic data that supports your main data set (separate from the primary data) and is joined to it. You can even use this entirely as a “control” without actually displaying aggregated data on it if that makes sense for your visualization. 

 At least three panels that are dynamic and each change 

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