Determine the business rules to describe the data requirement for a given business process.

computer science


Learning Outcomes: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Construct a data model for a relational database management system Objectives ____________________________________________________________________________________ • Determine the business rules to describe the data requirement for a given business process. 

• Identify the entities and attributes for a relational database using the business rules. 

• Draw the conceptual model (ERD) for the proposed database using MS Visio. 

• Create the Data Dictionary for the proposed database. 

• Implement the proposed database using MS Access 2016. 

• Build some simple queries, forms, and reports for your database using MS Access 2016. 


Each student is expected to complete this assignment on their own that is this is not a group assignment. Before you begin this assignment, you should have completed: Reading chapters 1-4 of the textbook Completed all required Moodle (Course) activities from Weeks 1 to 5 You should have covered all materials and labs exercises on designing databases with MS Access and MS Visio 2016.

Assessment Overview 

In this assignment, you will create a database for Fiji’s Ministry of Health to help the ministry manage data about distribution of supplies that is drugs and equipment, to the health centers and major hospitals around Fiji. 

Your database will store information about each item (drug or equipment) provided by the health department - including its name, supplier, price, the number of units currently available at the Government Pharmacy in Suva, and the number of units on order. For drugs, your system will store information about dosages and side effects. Doctors and nurses will use your database to get information about supplies and check on their availability. 

Your database will maintain information about the quantities of specific items shipped to health centers and major hospitals throughout Fiji. The main supply is in the Government Pharmacy in Suva. Distribution clerks will use your database to record when supplies arrive at the main pharmacy. They will also enter data about weekly shipments to hospitals and health centers. This means that your database should store information about the items distributed to the hospitals and health centers from the Government Pharmacy. 

Every week, the Chief Pharmacist will request the database for a report of distribution of supplies to each hospital and health center. Every month the database should generate a report on the amount of supplies currently available. 

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