Geneva Business School learners must complete the
tasks given in the assignment brief. Youcan request assistance from academic
affairs team, about understandingstructure of the question paper, mark schemes,
how to reference – Harvard Style and grade descriptors. You are expected to
adhere to policies and guidelines set out by the center i.e. Lincoln University
of Business and Management, which includes word/page/slide count and
You are required to refer to the guidance notes and
assignment brief to present an answer that would fall within the required
Learners must seek permission
and advice when using organizational/business information that would be
considered sensitive or confidential within their assignments. If the organization’s consent is given, and
anonymity is a given requirement of the organization, then the learner must
respect this.
The assignment brief will include the mark scheme
along with grade descriptors for you to refer to if needed. The guidance notes
before the assignment questions should be used for reference to ensure that you
are equipped with the information and formats required. You are requested to
obtain necessary advice on assignment context, format and other supporting
information to clarify and help understand the requirements.
The assessment criteria and the mark sheets will help you
identify how and where the marks have been allocated and allow them to
structure their answers accordingly. Please note that you must achieve a
minimum of 75% (equal to 4.5 bandwidth
out of 6.0) of the total marks to pass this unit.
It is mandatory that you adhere to the specified word
count given in the assignment brief within a margin of -/+10%. For certain tasks, the assignment brief may specify the
page count depending on the task requirement and, although a word count may not
always be applicable for these, the page count must be adhered to always. All
tables, charts, diagrams, referencing (in-text) will be considered a part of
the assignment word count. Generally, a 10
points answer should have a word count between 250– 350 words.
If the task
requires you to make a presentation, the word count will only be applicable to
the notes provided. The assignment questions may also specify the number of slides, in
which case you are also required to adhere to this.
Any supporting documents used to reinforce your
answer, need to be attached at the end of the report as appendices. Such
supplementary material will equip the examiner with the required background
knowledge on the information provided within the report. However, these will
not be considered for grading nor as part of the word/pagecount.
All assignments submitted with clear disregard for the
stipulated page/word counts may be discounted, and you may have to resubmit
your work for assessment pending revision/review of your work.
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