Seven to twelve page long (typed, double spaced) essay choosing one of the topics listed concerning the following books : Hirschman, Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and Status, Eric Hoffer The Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movement, John Locke Second Treaties of Government, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels The Communist Manifesto, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau The Basic Political Writings. Essay must contain short citations from the books and identity the author's last name and page number.
1. How can Hirschman's theory of exit, voice, and loyalty add understanding to Hoffer's analysis of "true believer". Can Hirschman help examine help explain the development of true believers? Can this concepts help explain the needs, thoughts and actions of true believers? Be sure to illustrate your points with concrete examples and arguments from the Hoffer book.
2. Theories of democracy tend to make equality a central concept. What are Locke's, Rousseau's, and Marx/Engels' conceptions of equality? How for each of them is equality related to liberty? Do these conceptions illuminate characteristics of the "true believers" described by Hoffer?
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