In the broadest sense, a digital crime is any illegal activity that uses a computer during its commission.

computer science


In the broadest sense, a digital crime is any illegal activity that uses a computer during its commission. Computer crime encompasses a wide range of activities from fraud and financial crimes, cyber terrorism, cyber extortion, to even cyber warfare. Conduct research on 5 different types of digital crime and real-world examples of each. For each real-world example:

    Describe the crime that was committed.
    How was a computer used in the crime?
    Who were the victim(s) of the crime?
    What was the effect or outcome of the criminal act (on the system/victim)?
    How could the crime have been prevented?
    Were the perpetrators identified or caught?
    Was any action taken against the perpetrators, and if so, what?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

    Paper length: 8-10 pages
    Include at least five scholarly references in addition to the course textbook.
    APA Format

The 5 Crimes to be written about are :

1. Ransomware  : NotPetya’s
2. Identity Theft : Marriott/Starwood: 500 million guests in 2018
3. Hacking : Teen hacks NASA and US Defense Department
4. DDOS : Mafiaboy
5. Computer Virus : The Morris Worm

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