International Business Operations and Supply Chain Management



International Business Operations and Supply Chain Management

·         The 4 V’s Overview

·         input-transformation-output processes

·         The five operations performance objectives

·         The four-stage model of operations contribution

·         The four perspectives on operations strategy

·         Michael Porters Generic Strategies

      Operations Strategy - Market requirements perspective (Customer requirements, Competitors, and Product lifecycle)

      Order-winning factors and Qualifying factors

      Resource Perspective - Strategic resources and sustainable competitive advantage

      Competitive Factors - Priority for improvement

·         What is the product and Service Innovation?

·         The Stages of Design From Concept to Specification

·         The Supply Network

·         Operations Structure and Scope

·         Operations Principle – using inventories to overcome demand-capacity imbalance tends to increase working capital requirements

·         Organization’s Vertical Integration strategy

·         Outsourcing?

·         Process Improvement - Value stream map for an industrial air conditioning installation service

·         Little’s law (a really quite useful law)

·         Volume and Variety characteristics of layout types

·         The three stages of process technology management

·         Understand, Evaluate, and Implement the process technology

·         3 Criteria to Evaluating Process Technologies

·         Key Factors for any implementation

·         Significance of planning and control (Long-term, Medium-term, and Short-term planning and control)

·         The Nature of Demand and Supply

·         The activities of planning and control

·         When to use finite and infinite loading?

·         Sequencing Techniques - Longest Operation Time (LOT) and Shortest Operation Time First (SOT)

·         Forward and backward scheduling

·         Monitoring and Controlling the Operation – Push control and Pull control

·         Process of Managing Capacity and alternate capacity plan

·         Supply chain management – Supply and Demand-side

·         Purchasing (Procurement), Supply Management, and Sourcing Strategy

·         Purchasing, the internet and e-procurement

·         Supply Side Management – Global sourcing, Logistics - Physical Distribution Management and the Internet

·         Type of Relationships in Supply Chain – B2B, B2C, C2B, and C2C

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