John and Mary Andersei immigrated lo the United States from their native Norway



John and Mary Andersei immigrated lo the United States from their native Norway in I 881. The  ung cotij 4e m:u le their way to the small larmitig community of Plaw Illinois. sorne 10 miles southwest of downtown Chicago. Over the previous few decades, hundreds of Noiweglari families had settled in Plano and surrounding communties in Í;et, the aptly itarned Norway Illinois. was IOCðtVil tist  k[w miles away 1mm the couple’s new tuietown. In l8,4.5. Arthur Edward Andersen wa.s born.

Fom an eark age, the Andc’rsens’ son had a fascination with tiumbers. Little did his parents realize that Arthur’s interest in numbers would becante the driving krce in his life Less than one century after he was born, an accounting firm bearing Arthur Andersen’s name would become the world’s largest professional services Organization with more than 1,000 partners and operations in dozens of countries scattered across the globe.

Think Straight, Talk Straight

Discipline, honesty and a strong work ethic were three key trails that John and Mary

Andersen instilled in their son. The Andersetis also coristanti impressed upon him

the importance of obtaining an education. Unfortunately, Arthur’s parents did not

survive to help him achieve that goal. Orphaned by the time he was a young

teenager. Andersen was forced to take a fulI4imc job as a mail clerk and attend night

classes lo work his way through high school. After graduating from high school.

Andersen attended the University of Illinois while working as an accountant for

Allis-Chalmers. a Chicago-based company that manufactured tractors and other

farming equipment. In 1908, Andersen accepted a position with the Chicago office

of Price Waterhouse. At the time. Price Waterhouse, which was organized in Great

Britain during the early nineteenth century easily qualified as the Ui-tiled States’ most

prominent pu hi je accounting ñrm.

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