Should be at least 300 words or more total but all 6 sources must be listed as in-text citations with references in the bottom. As long as it's 300 words or more.
This is for a "Nonverbal Communications in Leadership" course. This will require at least 6 sources. Must have in-text citations and also references on the bottom.
Application Exercise:
People have been refused employment or fired from their jobs, because of perceived
problems with their height, weight, odor, skin color, clothing, hair, age, religion,
race, or general attractiveness or unattractiveness. Under what conditions, if any, do
you think such characteristics are legitimate reasons for not hiring a person or for
firing an employee? If you believe there are no justifiable reasons for not hiring a
person or for firing an employee based on perceived problems, then defend that
position. Thoroughly research and discuss this topic. This exercise will require
outside research. Please use a minimum of six (6) sources. One source can be your
course textbook. Be sure and cite all six (6) sources in your References list at the
end of your Applications Exercise assignment.
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