Rafael Pharmaceuticals is performing research on the use of enzymes to starve cancer cells.

computer science



Rafael Pharmaceuticals is performing research on the use of enzymes to starve cancer cells. Their research is performed by top scientists and the results of trials are stored in a database. In an act of corporate espionage, Rafael’s biggest rival broke into the backend of their website and added invalid data to their database. The security hole in the site has been patched and all of the invalid data has been removed but Rafael feels that to be completely safe, their online form should be protected as well. They have been provided with your name as someone who can perform this task. They ask that you to provide a proof of concept showing how the database can be protected against faulty data. Specifically the requirements for the site are:

A submission form containing four or more different types of controls (text fields, radio buttons etc)

Show an example of the use of advanced validation including both advanced rules and advanced error messages

Show the creation of a custom method and an explanation of its purpose.

Show the use of an additional method from the JQuery Validation plugin.

All error messages should be properly formatted. 

This problem is based on a real company. While there hasn’t been any corporate espionage that I am aware of, Rafael Pharmaceuticals is treating cancer through starvation. The article is interesting if you have the time: https://www.clinicalleader.com/doc/rafael-pharmaceuticals-is-starving-cancer-cells-0001 

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