Real World Case Percentage of HMO Penetration of Nevada From the website, the HMO Penetration rate value for the state of Nevada is 30.3 %. Percentage of HMO Penetration of the Neighboring state of Nevada The website displayed the value of the HMO Penetra



Real World Case Percentage of HMO Penetration of Nevada From the website, the HMO Penetration rate value for the state of Nevada is 30.3 %. Percentage of HMO Penetration of the Neighboring state of Nevada The website displayed the value of the HMO Penetration percentage of Nevada’s neighbor state “California” has the value of 52.9 %. On the whole, the value of HMO penetration of the United States is 28% as per the website demonstrated. The HMO penetration values for the different states e.g. the United States are compared on the basis of Enrollment data records comprised for each licensed HMOs in the specified state or nation that deliver either Medicaid-only, Commercial or Medicare-only reimbursements in that state.

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