summarize the key OB issues highlighted in the case-study, - undertake some research in regards to the problem presented and provide your critical analysis on those issues/ problems as per your understanding of the course material by applying the principl



Students will be assigned a case as per instructions as below* (page 2) and they will be prepared to play the role of consultants to a corporate executive in the case and present in front of the class (10-12 minutes of presentation). Issues will relate to the topics and readings of the syllabus posted. You are required to:

 summarize the key OB issues highlighted in the case-study, - undertake some research in regards to the problem presented and provide your critical analysis on those issues/ problems as per your understanding of the course material by applying the principles/ concepts learned in the class, (for example, Amazon as a company is making remarkable financial success but as per the research it has been portrayed as a soul crushing employer. So how far the people management practices at Amazon are sustainable for its employer brand?)

- provide some industry comparisons (compare the issues highlighted with the best practices of another company in the similar industry with comparable business strategy, size and operations) and   suggest suitable recommendations with examples and illustrations from your understanding of the course acting as an organisational behaviour consultant. (for example, in continuation of the example provided above, provide recommendations on how Amazon can continue to sustain its employer brand by introducing some robust employee friendly policies and practices?)

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