The world class lighting system.



Case Study Presentation

For each case assignment, your job will be to investigate the firm’s problem(s) as they relate

to Supply Chain and prepare a 6-7 page review summary report (double spaced using

word).. The format of your presentation should be as follows:

Introduction – Provide an introduction that succinctly summarizes the key elements

of the case

Background – Provide a background that identifies key objectives of the firm. Also,

clearly describe the factors differentiating the firm from its competitors, especially in

the role of the supply chain. Lastly, identify and explain all of the relevant challenges

faced by the organization. This section should be a lead in to your Problem


Problem Statement – Provide a succinct statement of the problem/dilemma/issue,

preferably in a single declarative sentence or two. Be careful to identify the real

problem and not the symptoms of the problem

Analysis –Identify at least two valid options and cite evidence from the case or

outside research. Secondly, identify and explain the root causes of the organization’s

key challenges. Make sure you thoroughly and critically evaluate all decision options.

Recommendations and Conclusions – Make sure the assessment of selected

option impact is valid and comprehensive and is clearly linked to the objectives and

root causes of the problem. These should be your recommendations regarding how

the organization should deal with the problem; they should be fully supported by the

Analysis section

Appendices – References and Charts

Make sure the entire paper is clear and demonstrates logical communication. All the

sentences must be complete and concise and there should not be any grammar or spelling

errors. Lastly, make sure the flow of the paper is logical, including appropriate paragraph


Citations must be referenced according to APA style.

Appropriate references: This is a library research project and you must use at least 3 different

sources, not including textbooks. These sources should be company websites, industry

sources, periodicals, such as the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and so on, and

governmental sources such as the SEC. Feel free to cite some of the journal articles provided to

you on Blackboard.

Related Questions in economics category

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