What are the economic implications of taxation? Explain your answer with examples of the impact of taxation on the behaviour of some economic agents?



Core Course C11: Public Economics


Prepared By: Ashutosh Pandey (19040065)


1.      What are the economic implications of taxation? Explain your answer with examples of the impact of taxation on the behaviour of some economic agents? What do you understand by dead-weight loss due to taxation? How do you estimate it? Elaborate your answer with the help of a suitable diagram.

(About 700 words)


2.      What is the significance of Arrow’s impossibility theorem for public choice?

(About 300 words)


3.      What should be a good approach for taxation in a country like India? To what extent do you think the existing taxation policy meets the framework underpinning a good tax system?

(About 400 words)


4.   What do you understand by fiscal federalism? What are the efficiency and equity considerations that guide the functioning of a multi-layered fiscal system? How can the taxation and financial devolution system address those concerns?

(About 300 words)




Note: Read the question properly and answer to the point and within the word limit. You need to draw diagrams for question number 1. Please write your name/id number on the first page of the answer script and your first name in the file containing your answer. The assignment is to be submitted by Nov 23, 2020.

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