With Strawson, we have another complicated and difficult essay on the free will problem. As with the Campbell essay, let's go through Strawson's bit by bit and try to figure out what he is getting at. Note that the title of Strawson's essay is



With Strawson, we have another complicated and difficult essay on the free will problem. As with the Campbell essay, let's go through Strawson's bit by bit and try to figure out what he is getting at. Note that the title of Strawson's essay is "Free Will?" That question-mark is significant. Strawson is a determinist. He thinks that there is no such thing as free will. He also thinks (quite logically) that there is no such thing as moral responsibility. Let's see how he develops his argument. You might find the opening sectionpp. 1-2helpful in coming to grips with what Strawson argues....

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