General Directions: Explain the important themes, values, beliefs and/or conflicts that have been important to Americans and perhaps to other modern countries as well. The paper should include evidence and examples from the readings and your own thoughts.

general article writing


General Directions: Explain the important themes, values, beliefs and/or conflicts that have been important to Americans and perhaps to other modern countries as well. The paper should include evidence and examples from the readings and your own thoughts. MOSTLY ONLY USE THE READINGS!!! NO OUTSIDE SOURCE Your paper should have: The clear thesis that states the subject and general idea. In MLA format At Least 750 Words The general grading criteria in the course are: Completeness, depth of thought; How well ideas and opinions are supported with the evidence and examples from the readings. Clarity of the writing. ESSAY TOPIC Explain How Emma Lazarus and Arthur Schlesinger, on one side and Owen Wister and Madison Grant, on the other, represent the two sides in the main DEBATE OVER THE IMMIGRATION in the United States. Your paper's conclusion should represent which side you are on and WHY.

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