In Section 10.3 of the course text, the following authors are listed as the superstars in the world of children’s nonfiction (Coats, 2013): Nic Bishop Joanna Cole Penny Colman Russell Freedman Gail Gibbons Sy Montgomery Jim Murphy Seymour Simon Melissa Sw



In Section 10.3 of the course text, the following authors are listed as the superstars in the world of children’s nonfiction (Coats, 2013): Nic Bishop Joanna Cole Penny Colman Russell Freedman Gail Gibbons Sy Montgomery Jim Murphy Seymour Simon Melissa Sweet Go to your local library or bookstore and read a nonfiction book by one of these authors. Please make sure that the book you choose is non-fiction as several of these authors also writes fictional stories. Using the guidelines listed in Section 10.3 of our text, critique the book to determine the characteristics that make the author a superstar. Also, share at least one idea you have for how you could use this piece of literature in your classroom.

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