Opportunity Essay. You should study a specific business (e.g., pricing and revenue optimization) opportunity faced by your company.



Opportunity Essay. You should study a specific business (e.g., pricing and revenue optimization) opportunity faced by your company. The end goal is to demonstrate the use of decision-making frameworks and concepts learned in class in a real setting. What would you change in your company, or in your life, to improve the decision making process? As a broad guideline for this essay, I would like to suggest that you put yourselves in the shoes of a consulting team trying to help a client analyze an issue that is related to the content of the course. Your study should hopefully culminate with an assessment of the magnitude of the associated business opportunity and a road map for implementing a proposed solution. This could proceed along the following lines: a. Understand and describe application setting: industry overview, managerial question, what's currently done, etc. b. Describe what the opportunity is and why. Deliverables. The report should have approximately five pages. It should include application setting, industry overview, managerial question, what's currently done, business opportunity, and an assessment of the potential value of applying the proposed solution to your setting.

Decision making frameworks used in class:

Excel based Monte carlo simulation, Decision analysis or Solver ( need to be used)

Instruction Files

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