Select your organization and a product produced by that organization from Industry Week. The organization's strategic plan calls for an aggressive growth plan, requiring investment in facilities and equipment, growth in productivity, and labor over th



Select your organization and a product produced by that organization from Industry Week. The organization's strategic plan calls for an aggressive growth plan, requiring investment in facilities and equipment, growth in productivity, and labor over the next five years. It is your team's task to determine where, outside the United States, your organization should locate its new manufacturing plant. Write a 1,050-word report recommending an off-shore country and support your choice with the following data: The factors that determine the country's productivity How the country's policies influence its productivity growth How the country's financial system is related to key macroeconomic variables How your organization can reduce the risk they would face in relocating The current and projected unemployment over the next five years Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed sources not including your textbook. Format consistent with APA guidelines. Addition information if it helps. 

This is not a paper about an organization or industry. So please do not focus your paper on an industry or company. The focus should be on the growth and productivity of an entire economy. The choice of organization should only provide a basis for you to think about the needs of the organization (e.g., a "low-tech" company probably does not care very much about the skills level of the population, but the educational level of the population is important to a "high-tech" company.) Read Sections 12-2 and 12-3 of your textbook carefully. You should recommend a country on the basis of how it has the resources and policies your company needs. So make an analysis of specific conditions in the country (e.g., comparatively speaking, the country has a high level of education spending and achievement, and well-developed public infrastructure which provides a high level of efficiency of transport) So the organization's plan should be based on observations about the country (the team is free to choose any country, as well). You may or may not be able to obtain the country's unemployment projections depending on the circumstances, but you may be able to get employment projections. Also, you may not be able to get a projection further than a year into the future. 

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