Computer Science

Total Assignments: 4521

Grading will focus on three major components: technical completion, code style, and memory management.

Grading will focus on three major components: technical completion, code style, and memory management. Some questions to ask yourself to verify that you have completed the components has been given below: Technical Completion ...

This article outlines the concern that cyber threat is the number one threat to the country.

TOPIC 5DQ1 (2PAGES) REFERENCES NOT OLDER THAT 5 YEARSReview "DNI Clapper: Cyber Bigger Threat Than Terrorism," (SEE ATTACHED FILE). This article outlines the concern that cyber threat is the number one threat to the country. What tools are available that enable collaboration between federal agencies and private sector companies? Provide rationale to support your answer.DQ2 (2PAGES) (2PAGES) REFERENCES NOT OLDER THAT 5 YEARSMany orga...

This article outlines the concern that cyber threat is the number one threat to the country.

TOPIC 5DQ1 (2PAGES) REFERENCES NOT OLDER THAT 5 YEARSReview "DNI Clapper: Cyber Bigger Threat Than Terrorism," (SEE ATTACHED FILE). This article outlines the concern that cyber threat is the number one threat to the country. What tools are available that enable collaboration between federal agencies and private sector companies? Provide rationale to support your answer.DQ2 (2PAGES) (2PAGES) REFERENCES NOT OLDER THAT 5 YEARSMany orga...

Explain how an IPS can be crippling to an organization, including how intrusion detection logs can overwhelm an unprepared IT staff. Support your rationale.

Topic 4DQ1 (2PAGES) REFERENCES NOT OLDER THAT 5 YEARSExplain how an IPS can be crippling to an organization, including how intrusion detection logs can overwhelm an unprepared IT staff. Support your rationale.DQ2 (2PAGES) REFERENCES NOT OLDER THAT 5 YEARSExplain how physical access controls (e.g., card access control systems, network-controlled man traps, motion sensors, digital camera feeds, and similar digitized security component...

Race conditions are avoided by creating critical sections in a program using a std::mutex.

Background: Race conditions are avoided by creating critical sections in a program using a std::mutex. A std::lock_guard or std::unique_lock object is used to lock-andunlocking a std::mutex object to streamline creation and management of critical sections. Threads can enter and temporarily yield a critical section using std::condition_variable. Exercise: Provide brief answers to the following questions to improve your understanding of pert...

Count and print the number of rows updated at the end of the updateQuery method in the format – “5 row(s) updated.”

Part #1: Complete implementation of updateQuery method: 1. Count and print the number of rows updated at the end of the updateQuery method in the format – “5 row(s) updated.”. ...

Download the Section Data Files (attached), unzip and extract all files, and save them in a folder.

Download the Section Data Files (attached), unzip and extract all files, and save them in a folder.Use the IDLE editor to write a Python program that does the following:Opens and reads a text file.Uses a loop to calculate the average of the numbers in the file.After the loop, displays the number of scores in the file and the average.Test your program with the Section1.txt file, and then run the program again with the...

write the program in Visual Studio using

IT 102 Assignment 3 ## option Strict should be on in coding program ## write the program in Visual Studio using (.net framework). ## option Strict on ##Using the provided script and assignment you did for Assignment 2, Golf-A-Thon in dbSQL1 in SQL Server; Create a program, that will add a golfer and delete a golfer from the TGolfers table. It should also allow the user to add an Event to the TEventYears table. You should use Assignment 2 ...

For this assignment, you need to select an open source or freeware tool for evaluation.

Task: For this assignment, you need to select an open source or freeware tool for evaluation. The tool should be helpful in the context of network security (e.g., for analysing network traffic, for detecting malware, for monitoring hosts or traffic). Please note that you are not allowed to select Snort because it has been the subject of an assessment for module CO874.1. Small network setup: For the evaluation, you will need to setup a small network for the practical work. ...

In this task, you will use Tinkercad to create a solution that can control an RGB LED with Arduino.

In this task, you will use Tinkercad to create a solution that can control an RGB LED with Arduino. Unfortunately, there are two variants of the RGB diode, one with a common cathode and one with a common anode....

You must use a separate Date.h file for the Date class definition.

b) Use overloaded constructors to create Date objects initialized with dates of the formats in part a).You should only have 3 member data: integer month, integer day, and integer year. Also, you should have at least 2 constructors and 2 functions in your Date.cpp.Problem Requirementa) You must use a separate Date.h file for the Date class definition....

Analyze, discuss, and compare TCP, TFRC, TCP NewReno and SCTP focusing on these points:

Analyze, discuss, and compare TCP, TFRC, TCP NewReno and SCTP focusing on these points:1- Operating method.2- Features and Limitations.3- Advantages and disadvantages.4- Congestion control mechanism.5- Fairness....

I want to create a bar-bell out of three boxes. This will take three boxes stacked on top of each other.

⦁ Making a Bar BellI want to create a bar-bell out of three boxes.  This will take three boxes stacked on top of each other.  The ends will be boxes that are 2" by 1" by 2".  The bar between the ends will be a box that is 1/2" by 4" by 1/2".  I would like to have the center of the bar-bell on the origin with the Y axis through its center.  If you examine the colorCube code, you'll find that it plac...

Create a function Tetrahedron that creates an equilateral tetrahedron with a given height passed as a parameter.

⦁ Create a function Tetrahedron that creates an equilateral tetrahedron with a given height passed as a parameter. ⦁ Write the code to display two of these tetrahedrons, one sitting centered on the origin, the other upside down such that the tips of the two tetrahedrons touch.  ⦁ Make the two tetrahedrons spin around the Y axis in opposite ...

Alex is a travelling salesperson who must visit several cities around the country in a sales trip

Alex is a travelling salesperson who must visit several cities around thecountry in a sales trip. Alex wants to minimize the total travel distance,by finding the shortest route that visitseach city exactly once. Alex hopes that a computer might be able to help find the shortest route....

As a UTSA student, you are bound by the honor code, so DO NOT cheat on any of your coursework.

UTSA HONOR CODE: As a UTSA student, you are bound by the honor code, so DO NOT cheat on any of your coursework. By submitting this assignment, you are attesting to your own authorship based on material from your textbook and/or your professor. Cheating can result in any one, or combination, or all of the following: reduced or failing grade for the assignment, a signed statement of the infraction, reduced or failing grade for the course, re...

Your task is to create and implement a text-based adventure/role playing game using the C# programming language.

The Adventure/Role Playing Game The Game Your task is to create and implement a text-based adventure/role playing game using the C# programming language. You have been given a simple framework that lets you walk through a few rooms. You must use this as a starting point. You must implement at least 5 software design patterns in the project (Simple patterns such as Enumerators, Designated Constructors, etc. are NOT included). You should use loosely couple...

In this assignment, you are requested to develop a simple simulator for the CFS scheduler. The simulator must implement the following features:

Optional Assignment In this assignment, you are requested to develop a simple simulator for the CFS scheduler. The simulator must implement the following features: to take as input a number of processes along with their priorities, their burst times, and the time they appear in the system. The input can be given as a text file which may have been generated by a separate program or it can be generated on-the-fly with random data if the user enters only th...

Your company has assigned you to work on a project plan for a new internal support system.

Your company has assigned you to work on a project plan for a new internal support system. This system will be expected to track formal contacts between company software contracting teams, internal management sponsors, and their external clients. In addition to the technical aspect of the project, there is significant doubt surrounding how well the project teams and the external clients will accept the changes mandated by the use of the new system, and what factors will impact its effectiveness....