Internal processes of a company contribute to the company's overall effectiveness. Identifying ways to improve internal processes helps build a highly efficient organization. Root causes need to be identified.



Internal processes of a company contribute to the company's overall effectiveness. Identifying ways to improve internal processes helps build a highly efficient organization. Root causes need to be identified. Methods to identify root causes may require substantial analysis or be apparent based on a major problem within the organization. For example, review the assigned article, "Inside Chipotle's Contamination Crisis: Smugness and Happy Talk About Sustainability Aren't Working Anymore," from Bloomberg Businessweek. 

 Research several other sources regarding Chipotle's food contamination crisis. Create a flowchart of the original supply chain and how Chipotle supplies each of the restaurant chains. Provide your own commentary. Create another flowchart that suggests a new way to supply the restaurant chains. Review another restaurant chain that does not currently have a major public problem but would benefit from evaluating its manufacturing process to improve competitiveness. Specifically, provide recommendations on how to improve the company's current supply chain. Create a flowchart to illustrate your recommendations. Provide a summary of how you came to your recommendations. Include any formal strategies and informal thought processes you used to reach your conclusions. Provide rationale for either using or not using Six Sigma methodology, ISO quality benchmarking, lean supply chain processes, or TQM. Submit all three flowcharts and commentary for each flowchart in a single document. Provide three to five resources to support your response. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. I think you can choose the second restaurant, the first has to be Chipotle.

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