Total Assignments: 255
For each Part, you need to do data analysis to accomplish the objectives, and answer the questions based on the analysisFor each part, you are required to submit:•Programming code (R script or R Markdown file) and/or snapshots of online tools such as Galaxy•Figures/tables/RData file(s) as requested in each part•A Word file summarizing your answers to the questions for each part....
business case study 3- Capgemini company ...
Should be done in ipython notebook . Should use scikit learn.In this assignment, you will need to implement a simple recommender system using a book rating data set DBbook_train_ratings.tsv (reference: The first column of this data set contains user IDs. The second column contains itemIDs (i.e., book ids). The third column contains the rating scores (1 – 5). The purpose of studying this data set is to create a da...
Please number the question on the python notebook.[Dataset: magic04.csv] For this problem you will experiment with various classifiers provided as part of the scikit-learn (sklearn) machine learning module, as well as with some of its preprocessing and model evaluation capabilities. The data is provided in a CSV formatted file with the first row containing t...
Home Work 3 – Part BYou will be using a retail store transaction dataset of 5000 transactions for this part. Execute the following commands to read it in a format digestible to the algorithmSet working directory. trans_mat<-read.csv("5000-out2.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",")#convert it into a data matrixa_matrix<-data.matrix(trans_mat)#remove the transactio...
Create a simulation for a 3km segment of motorway that reduces after 2km from 3 lanes to 2 lanesAnswer the following questions: What is the as optimal average traveling time topt in free flowing, non-congested traffic? What is the optimum throughput Nopt in cars/hours when the average traveling time is 20% longer than topt. (Nopt=4000 cars/hours, see Fig.2 below) What is...
Create a simulation for a 3km segment of motorway that reduces after 2km from 3 lanes to 2 lanesAnswer the following questions: What is the as optimal average traveling time topt in free flowing, non-congested traffic? What is the optimum throughput Nopt in cars/hours when the average traveling time is 20% longer than topt. (Nopt=4000 cars/hours, see Fig.2 below) What is...
Part 1 – General Data Cleaning – 25pointsUse the provided faux_data.csv dataset. This file contains first name, last name, employee ID, gender, address, dollar, data, and comment data that needs to be cleaned. Follow the steps below to clean the dataset:R code:rm(list = ls(all = T))#step 1library(readxl)df = read.csv(choose.files(),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)...
1. The OT/PT department of an Orthopedic practice has gathered data on the number of visits that it takes to rehabilitate ankle injuries. Using the data from the Exercise 1 Workbook, answer the following questions related to the Number of Visits Completed. (Round any number to 2 decimal places.)a. Mean : b. Median : c. Mode : d. Standard Deviation : ...
In the prof data table created, add 5 new columns:- last name- first name- title- area code- phon...
In the prof data table created, add 5 new columns: - last name - first name - title - area code - phone The content of these variables must come from the initial column. To answer thi...
Tableau ProjectCreate a dashboard showing the number of proposal submitted by college using the date range (7/01/2020 to 02/08/2021)Create a dashboard showing the comparison same point in time 7/01/2020-02/08/2020 vs 7/01/2019-02/08/2021Create dynamic parameters where you can do the comparison current year vs prior year by ...
Complete all parts of the storyboard assignment (submit a storyboard with all parts of the narrative structure completed and a sentence on their point of view and intended audience)....
Sections content description:Intro/Background: Here is it important to describe the context of your problem, previous studies…then state your aim/motivation. Your aim could be deductive, whereby you have a hypothesis which you would like to test using one of the data mining methods which we will be covering during the span of the course. You may also have an inductive aim, whereby you will use...
We will be using “Anaconda”, which is a free Python distribution package that has all of the tools that we will need. To download and install Anaconda, go to this link: Then, click on the “Download” button, and you will be taken to the bottom of this page where you can select your operating system (Windows, Mac OS, Linux). If you’re using a Windows computer, then click on the “64- bit graphical...
What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheet...
Your task will be to explore the dataset using Tableau's data visualisation tools in an effort to extract commercially-important insights in preparation for a presentation of your findings to senior management of the company.The deliverable content will be in two parts:...
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